天然胃藥 - 椰菜
問很多朋友,都不認識椰菜是一個非常好的天然胃藥,原因之一,就是有病看醫生這種根深蒂固的信念,不懂得透過食療,養好自己的身體,很多食材都有良好的治療作用。Many friends do not know that cabbage is a very good natural stomach medicine. One of the reasons is that they have a deep-rooted belief that they should see a doctor when they are sick. They do not know how to take care of their bodies through diet therapy. Many ingredients have good therapeutic effect.中國唐代(公元8世紀初)所著的《本草綱目》中記載:「其能強筋健骨,調五髒,和中,關節、耳朵和眼睛。據說它對胃有好處,可以緩解胃部的不適。 葉子含有棕櫚酸、亞麻油酸、油酸等脂肪以及維生素U。維生素U具有抗潰瘍作用,能夠修復胃潰瘍、十二指腸潰瘍等引起的黏膜潰瘍,因此製藥商也銷售其製劑。捲心菜的外葉含有豐富的維生素K,據說具有止血作用,預防骨質疏鬆症,改善肝功能。據說許多蔬菜中都含有草酸,會導致腎結石,但高麗菜並不含有這種酸。它還富含膳食纖維,作為改善排便的蔬菜而備受關注。 根據法國草藥學家 Maurice Messeguet 於 1975 年出版的一本關於草藥療法的書,他建議患有風濕病、痛風、下背痛和坐骨神經痛等疼痛的人服用捲心菜葉來緩解疼痛。直到它們然後將葉子包裹在身體疼痛的部位,用繃帶或紗布鬆散地固定,每天更換幾次,已被證明有助於緩解疼痛。 椰菜(學名:Brassica oleracea var. capitata),中國大陸稱捲心菜,台灣稱椰菜做高麗菜;椰菜俗名又稱洋白菜、圓白菜、球白菜、大頭菜、蓮花菜、疙瘩白,山西、陝西、四川等地區亦稱蓮花白、花白、茴子白或包包白,廣東部分地區亦稱椰菜或包菜,雲南地區亦稱蓮花白或包白菜,閩南地區及臺灣習稱高麗菜或甘藍菜,也有人稱包心菜或玻璃菜。 椰菜可以生吃、醃漬、清炒、煮湯,料理百變又百搭,是台灣人食用量最大的蔬菜,清脆口感深受許多人喜愛,尤其冬天吃火鍋、薑母鴨、麻油雞等,一定要加高麗菜。Cabbage can be eaten raw, pickled, stir-fried, or cooked in soup. It is the most consumed vegetable in Taiwan. Its crisp taste is loved by many people, especially in winter when eating hot pot, ginger duck, sesame oil chicken, etc. , be sure to add cabbage. 椰菜被譽為天然的胃藥,所含的維生素 U 乃抗潰瘍因子,並具有分解亞硝酸胺的作用。結球甘藍裡的吲哚(indole)能改變雌激素的代謝,降低乳癌風險,具有修復體內受傷組織的作用,特別是腸胃道,故對胃潰瘍和十二指腸潰瘍起止痛和促進癒合的作用。Cabbage is known as a natural stomach medicine. The vitamin U it contains is an anti-ulcer factor and has the function of decomposing nitrosamines. Indole in cabbage can change the metabolism of estrogen, reduce the risk of breast cancer, and repair damaged tissues in the body, especially the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, it can relieve pain and promote healing of gastric ulcers and duodenal ulcers. effect. 研究聲稱具有抗癌作用
據稱,包括椰菜在內的十字花科蔬菜具有防癌功效,並且富含十字花科異硫氰酸鹽等化合物(一種抑癌物質)和亞硝胺(一種在烹飪過程中產生的致癌物質),可降低致癌物的毒性,有效預防肺癌和食道癌。它曾被列為設計食品項目金字塔的第一組,與甘草一起被評為繼大蒜之後第二有效的防癌食品。高麗菜還含有大量維生素C,維生素C具有抗氧化作用,有助於預防癌症 。結球甘藍中含有的蘿蔔硫素(英語:Sulforaphane),則是功能強大的抗氧化物,可以增強體內酵素的解毒能力,也是維生素C和植物纖維的良好來源。 Cruciferous vegetables, including broccoli, are said to have anti-cancer properties and are rich in compounds such as cruciferous isothiocyanates (cancer suppressors) and nitrosamines (nitrosamines that are produced during cooking). carcinogens), can reduce the toxicity of carcinogens and effectively prevent lung cancer and esophageal cancer. It was once listed as the first group in the food pyramid, and together with licorice, it was rated as the second most effective anti-cancer food after garlic. Cabbage also contains a lot of vitamin C, which has antioxidant properties and helps prevent cancer. Sulforaphane contained in cabbage is a powerful antioxidant that can enhance the detoxification ability of enzymes in the body. It is also a good source of vitamin C and plant fiber.