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哪些疾病或人體需要適合使用口服幹細胞治療? (日本語)

幹細胞の医療への応用には主に 2 つの方向性があり、1 つ目は再生医療、もう 1 つはがん医療です。幹細胞治療は、あらゆる組織に変化する能力を持つ未分化細胞を使用します。身体の可能性。この療法は、損傷した組織を修復し、さまざまな病気を治療し、回復を促進するための強力なツールとなります。幹細胞を患部に注射することで、健康な組織の再生を促進し、身体自身の資源を使用する治療手段を提供します。

米国、日本、台湾の多くの医師が長年にわたって臨床試験を実施し、末期がん、変性関節炎、慢性虚血性脳卒中、頭蓋脳損傷、脊髄損傷を含む細胞治療の分野で豊富な知識を蓄積しています。 、広範囲の皮膚外傷、および手術、放射線療法、化学療法後の悪性腫瘍の後遺症はすべて、幹細胞療法で診断および治療できます。



1. 慢性炎症性疾患

Chronic inflammatory diseases



  • 腸関連の病気:
    • 慢性腸炎(例、クローン病、潰瘍性大腸炎)
    • 過敏性腸症候群 (IBS)
  • その他の慢性炎症:
    • 関節炎(関節リウマチなど)
    • 皮膚の炎症(湿疹、乾癬など)
    • しかし、これらの効果は主に幹細胞が生存して免疫調節機能を発揮できるかどうかに依存しており、口腔幹細胞の役割を検証するにはまださらなる研究が必要です。

2. アンチエイジングと再生医療

Anti-aging and regenerative medicine


  • 皮膚の健康を改善します(例、しわを減らし、弾力性を高めます)
  • 組織修復の促進(創傷治癒、軟骨修復など)
  • エネルギー代謝を高めたり、疲労感を改善したりする


3. 免疫機能の調節

Regulation of immune function


  • 免疫抑制に関連する疾患(軽度の免疫調節異常や感染後の免疫機能の回復など)
  • 免疫の過剰反応に関連する病気(アレルギー、一部の自己免疫疾患など)

4. 代謝性疾患

Metabolic diseases


  • 糖尿病: 幹細胞からのエキソソームはインスリン感受性を改善する可能性があります。
  • 肥満: 幹細胞は脂肪代謝を調節したり、慢性炎症を軽減したりする可能性があります。


5. 集中力と記憶力

Concentration and memory



6. 神経系疾患(仮説)

Nervous system disease


  • 軽度のアルツハイマー病またはパーキンソン病
  • 脳卒中回復後の神経修復




7. その他の可能な用途

Sports recovery


  • 消化管の修復: 胃潰瘍や腸のバリア機能障害など。
  • 心臓血管の健康: 内皮機能の改善など。
  • スポーツリカバリー:筋肉損傷後の修復促進など。



  1. 幹細胞の生存と吸収の問題:
    • 幹細胞が胃酸や消化酵素の影響を受けた後に血液循環に入り、役割を果たすことができるかどうかについては、まだ議論の余地がある。
    • 幹細胞の効果は、細胞そのものよりも、細胞によって分泌される生理活性物質によってもたらされる可能性があります。
  2. 臨床的証拠の欠如:
    • 現在、ほとんどの経口幹細胞製品はまだ厳密な臨床試験を受けておらず、その効果は主に理論上の推測や動物実験の結果に基づいています。
  3. 市場の混乱と誇張されたプロパガンダ:
    • いわゆる「経口幹細胞製品」の多くは、実際には幹細胞抽出物または幹細胞分泌物を含む栄養補助食品であり、真の活性幹細胞ではありません。




  • 慢性炎症性疾患
  • アンチエイジングと肌の健康
  • 軽度の代謝障害または免疫機能調節




  1. Japanese stem cell researcher and a Nobel Prize laureate 山中 伸弥 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shinya_Yamanaka
  2. New opportunities for treating stroke – Cell therapy 2022-09-10 Dr. Liao Kexun, Dr. Huang Xiaomin
  3. The Secret of the Rich & Famous: Live Cell Therapy (Dr. Victor W S Chen, Malaysia), 2008
  4. Wikipedia - Cell therapy
  5. Stem cell therapy: a promising treatment, Cell therapy for intracerebral hemorrhage: five-year follow-up report. Exp Ther Med. 2016 Dec;12(6):3535-3540.
  6. Italian researchers have confirmed that amniotic fluid stem cell exosomes can protect nerve cells from apoptosis.
  7. In their research, American scholars found that placental interstitial cell exosomes can effectively restore blood flow to the injured side of the brain and thereby protect nerves. Am J Transl Res. 2018 Sep 15;10(9):2975-2989.
  8. Iranian researchers published in 2021 that amniotic mesenchymal stem cell supernatant can inhibit inflammation and protect nerve cells. It was confirmed that although the supernatant or exosomes do not contain cells, they contain complex components secreted by cells and have certain potential for nerve protection. World J Stem Cells. 2021 Aug 26;13(8):1151-1159.
  9. Kicht, 8, CHOH Young with HGH, Harper Collins 1997,
  10. Kenton, L, Age Power, Published by Random House 2002,
  11. Chen, V, hge Without Getting Old, Published by Ock Publications 2008,
  12. McArdle, W et al, Exercise Physiology, Publicned by lippincott Wiliam & Wikns
  13. 7. Chen.V. Staying Healthy, Staying Vital. Published by Oak Publications 2003.
  14. 8. Miller, J et al. The Facts of Life, Jonathan Cape Limited 1984.

Stem Cell Therapy is the transfer of new cells or cells modified in the laboratory to achieve specific properties into the body to prevent or treat disease.

These stem cells are used to:

◾️ Remove diseased or dysfunctional cells
◾️ Restoring or modulating the function of patient cells through factor expression or direct cell-to-cell interactions

These are some types of cells that will help in understanding the material:

Cell types 細胞の種類Characteristics 特徴
Totipotent cells
Can give rise to all other cell types. Totipotency remains through the first few cell divisions, e.g. the fertilised egg.
Pluripotent cells
Can develop into all cell types (except those that form the amniotic sac and the placenta). For example, the early embryo consists mainly of pluripotent stem cells.
Multipotent cells
Can develop into any of a family of closely related cell types. For example, blood multipotent cells can develop into various blood cells.

Cell therapies can be classified according to their source:

In the 1930s, Swiss doctor Paul Niehans developed a living cell therapy called "Sheep Placenta Therapy". This therapy will dissolve living cells extracted from sheep embryos and sheep placentas in physiological saline and inject them into the patient, in order to achieve anti-aging effects on the skin.

MN Chan/Getty Images

Stem cell transplant surgery
It refers to isolating and removing cells from the patient's body, modifying them outside the body, and then reinjecting them as drugs.

Cord blood storage
Umbilical cord blood refers to the blood collected from the placenta after the baby is born. It was originally just some medical waste that was not taken seriously by people. Because umbilical cord blood contains rich hematopoietic stem cells, the Hong Kong Red Cross Blood Transfusion Service Center (Centre) was established in 1998 Hong Kong's first public cord blood bank was established to collect and process umbilical cord blood and provide suitable cord blood for hematopoietic stem cell transplantation to patients in need. However, the Hong Kong Red Cross Blood Transfusion Service has suspended cord blood collection services in January 2022.


Autologous cell therapy
Refers to the isolation and removal of cells from the patient's body, modification outside the body, and then reinfusion as a drug.

Cell therapies for autoimmune, chronic and rare diseases
Therapeutic methods that inject living cells into the patient to treat diseases, such as transplanting T cells into the patient's body in immunotherapy to fight cancer cells through cell-mediated immunity, or transplanting stem cells into the patient's body to promote the regeneration of diseased tissue.


Storing adult stem cells
Store peripheral blood stem cells to preserve healthy immune cells, such as NK cells, T cells, and DC cells when you are young. During storage, you need to inject leukocyte growth hormone for four consecutive days, and then collect stem cells on the fifth day. The process takes five to For six hours, the blood stem cells are frozen in liquid nitrogen at minus 196 degrees to stop aging; when needed, they are injected into the body again.

Placenta injection in beauty salon
The generally discussed placenta does not necessarily refer to products extracted from sheep embryos. It has become a code name and a common name. It generally refers to a treatment method that mainly uses preparations produced from animal placenta as raw materials. The real injections may be obtained from other animal raw materials or other animal tissues. For example, glandular tissue or an adult organ. Japan was the first to develop and produce it, and the quality is also the highest. While factories in Japan and South Korea use human placenta to produce injectable drugs, they also use pig placenta to produce a series of oral placenta and cosmetic placenta. It is worth noting that this method currently requires professionals to perform and there are safety considerations.


Good living habits
People who do not exercise have a higher risk of illness than those who exercise. This is mainly due to the low circulation capacity of stem cells. In terms of diet, eating more vegetables and fruits with bright colors and antioxidant capabilities can help stem cells become more active. Drinking more green tea can also achieve the same effect, and spending 15 to 20 minutes in the sun every day (excluding noon time) can also help the circulation of stem cells.

Oral Placenta Stem Cell

Why placenta?

The placenta gives birth to life. The placenta is created for one purpose only, to protect and supply the nutrients needed for the growth of the fetus. It is a rich source of important nutrients and provides a combination of ingredients and enzymes needed for fetal growth.

Once the placenta has completed its mission, it has no other role to play.

Advanced freeze-drying technology can preserve living cells and maintain their biological activity for up to 3-4 years. Freeze-drying technology brings viable cells in capsule form. Emulsification technology allows larger particles to be absorbed through biliary chylomicrons. Sheep and deer proteins and placenta are popular because they are more biocompatible with the human body and do not cause allergic reactions. Fetal stem cells have also not yet developed antigenicity. If you log in, you will find that there are no cases of foot and mouth disease, scrapie or BSE (mad cow disease) in New Zealand. Countries such as Switzerland and China are not immune to these diseases. The two countries are not geographically isolated. Livestock, birds and sheep affected by the disease can cross borders. They are not isolated countries like New Zealand.

◾️ Human placenta preparations, but the question is where do these placentas come from? Has it been tested for hepatitis, HIV and other viruses? Were these placentas illegally obtained from a third country? Will you sell your placenta to a manufacturer after delivery to make placenta products? I believe that these important issues must be considered and the use of human placenta should be avoided until the question of its origin has been satisfactorily answered.

Other alternatives

Human Growth Hormone (HGH)
Human growth hormone obtained from humans can be used to treat children with stunted growth. Unfortunately, some HGH have been infected with spongiform encephalopathy (mad cow disease in humans). Thus, synthetic growth hormone (GH) was born. A research report published by Dr. Daniel Luhmann in the New England Journal of Medicine showed that men aged 61 to 81 who received subcutaneous injections of growth hormone could increase muscle mass by 8.8% and reduce body fat by 14.4%. These men had increased bone density and thickened skin in their spines. However, such assistance cannot reverse the adverse effects of aging, such as the decline in muscle strength and aerobic capacity. In fact, there is no evidence that these men live longer, are healthier, or enjoy a better quality of life. In addition, 24 to 36% of people who participated in human growth hormone studies also experienced side effects, including swollen feet and ankles, joint pain, carpal tunnel syndrome, and prediabetes.

Large multinational pharmaceutical companies (MNC) still use human growth hormone injection method because liquid/spray human growth hormone is very unstable. If these super multinational corporations with thousands of scientists and billions of dollars in research funding cannot develop a stable growth hormone spray. Human growth hormone is a large-granule peptide (191 amino acids) that is twice the size of the insulin hormone. If big pharmaceutical companies can't develop insulin that can be absorbed under the tongue, how can they do it with human growth hormone? Millions of people with diabetes certainly don't want to take insulin injections every day.

◾️ In addition, after using growth hormone spray, the level of growth hormone will increase; once it increases, can it bring long-term benefits? These suspicions still need to be confirmed. It is worth mentioning that they all prescribe "synthetic" human growth hormone.

Deoxyepiandrosterone (DHEA)
Deoxyepiandrosterone is a weak steroid hormone synthesized mainly from cholesterol in the adrenal cortex.
Marketers tout these hormones as protecting against cancer, heart disease and diabetes, as well as strengthening the immune system, preserving youth, promoting muscle building and eliminating body fat.
After the age of 30, the level of deoxyepiandrosterone in our body will decrease; by the age of 75, the level of deoxyepiandrosterone in the blood will drop to only 20% of the level when we were young. The most common conclusion regarding deoxyepiandrosterone supplementation is that it increases blood deoxyepiandrosterone levels to youthful levels, thereby reducing the adverse effects of the aging process. Many people want to supplement this 6 natural 6 hormone when it is proven to be helpful and ignore its potential harm (just like human growth hormone).

Pharmaceutical companies use chemicals extracted from wild taro to make deoxyepiandrosterone. Its dosage ranges from 10 mg to 2000 mg. Its effects on the healthy aging process and possible side effects are not fully known. However, there are growing concerns about the effects of uncontrolled long-term use of deoxyepiandrosterone at doses of 50 mg or above on body function and overall health. The most common conclusion is that it can reduce the adverse effects of the aging process by increasing blood levels of deoxyepiandrosterone to youthful levels. Many people want to supplement these 6 natural hormones when it is proven to be helpful and ignore the potential harm (just like human growth hormone).

◾️ Androgens converted from deoxyepiandrosterone, such as testosterone, can cause women to grow facial hair and interfere with menstrual function. Like exogenous anabolic steroids, deoxyepiandrosterone lowers HDL cholesterol, thereby increasing the risk of heart disease. Clinicians worry that elevated levels of deoxyepiandrosterone may stimulate other latent prostate tumors or cause benign prostatic enlargement.

Human Growth Hormone Releasing Factor (IGF)
God created man very simply; man becomes complex because of his own actions. Amino acids are not complicated things. A balanced diet helps us get all the amino acids we need. In fact, we consume more protein than our bodies require. There is no doubt that amino acids such as arginine do trigger the release of human growth hormone (HGH) from the pituitary gland. But other fresh protein sources can do the same. The human body is designed to consume a healthy mix of grains and legumes that provide the comprehensive amino acids we need.

◾️Methods to increase growth hormone secretion

  1. good sleep
  2. Isotonic/resistance exercise
  3. lower blood sugar
  4. Eat a diet with the right amount of protein

Nicotinamide mononucleotide (NMN)
Adult stem cells (ASCs) are a promising source for regenerative medicine, with high proliferation potential and ability to differentiate into various cell types. However, as individuals age, ASCs inevitably undergo cellular senescence, often accompanied by mitochondrial dysfunction. Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) are ASCs that have been studied earlier and in depth and have broad basic research and clinical application prospects. Nicotinamide mononucleotide supplementation can improve mitochondrial dysfunction and rescue cellular senescence through the NAD + /Sirt3 pathway in mesenchymal stem cells. However, obtaining a sufficient number of MSCs requires long-term expansion in vitro, which is inevitable It leads to replicative senescence of MSCs, which seriously limits their application in clinical treatment and regenerative medicine. Therefore, developing effective anti-aging drugs and functional foods to delay stem cell aging is a key issue that we urgently need to solve.

NAD+ is a key coenzyme in cellular energy metabolism that can respond adaptively to oxidative stress, participate in metabolic pathways, and affect mitochondrial function. NAD+ levels determine the speed and degree of cellular aging, and NAD+ depletion is closely related to energy metabolism disorders. Nicotinamide mononucleotide (NMN) is the precursor of NAD+ and can alleviate MSC aging caused by NAD+ deficiency. Indeed, NMN can increase mitochondrial NAD + levels, normalize the NAD + /NADH ratio, maintain mitochondrial homeostasis, and thereby restore the function of muscle stem cells in aged mice. Therefore, NMN has broad guiding significance for the exploration of delaying stem cell aging.

◾️ Different from taking stem cells orally, NMN is an enzyme that can improve the energy metabolism of cells. For example, it can increase the recharge battery value of cells and reduce the decay and aging of battery capacity. As for stem cells, they are the original state of any cell in the body. Stem cell intake can improve the body's production of more different stem cells, bringing more young cells in good condition to the body.

◾️ NMN is to increase the energy of body cells and reduce the decline of cells; while stem cells are to add more young cells to the body. There are some relationships between the two and they will affect each other.

Marine protein and collagen
The human dermis is composed of three major elements: collagen, elastin and mucopolysaccharides.

Collagen maintains the integrity of the skin, while elastin provides the elasticity the skin needs. Collagen products sold in cosmetics and health food stores claim to keep skin youthful and age-free. Mucopolysaccharides keep skin supple and hydrated. Anti-aging supplements on the market contain certain marine proteins, including Imedeen and Estime. They are the mucopolysaccharide matrix of the skin. The skin contains "fibroblasts", which naturally produce collagen, elastin and mucopolysaccharides. However, as it ages, its production will gradually slow down.

Placental living cells can activate fibroblasts to produce collagen, elastin and mucopolysaccharides, thereby eliminating wrinkles and restoring skin elasticity and maintaining softness.

Why can stem cells treat diseases?

They are Replace, Repair and Regenerate

  1. Replace (stem cells replace original cells): Stem cells can differentiate into cells with specific functions and can replace dead cells in damaged areas.
  2. Repair (repair damaged but not dead cells): Along with stem cells and the growth factors, cytokines and "exosomes" secreted by stem cells, repair damaged but not dead cells.
  3. Regenerate (autologous cell regeneration): "Regenerate" can be said to be the most important part of stem cell treatment. Because the number of imported stem cells is limited, the most important thing is to use foreign stem cells to stimulate the regeneration function of the damaged part and promote the growth of autologous cells. This is the fundamental purpose of treatment.

Obama Reverses Stem Cell Ban in 2009

Ex-president Barack Obama has removed the ban introduced by the previous US president, George Bush, on using federal funds to support embryonic stem cell research, in an executive order issued this week.

Government support will now be available for research with many more stem cell lines than previously. These lines are developed from surplus embryos that remain after fertility treatment; the embryos would otherwise have been stored indefinitely or destroyed.

The future medical applications of stem cell therapy include Parkinson's disease, ALS, nerve repair for patients with spinal cord injury, and various chronic degenerative diseases. There is still very potential for development. The current therapeutic capabilities of stem cells are just the tip of the iceberg. With the advancement of cell technology and the understanding of stem cell mechanisms, there is still unlimited future potential waiting to be discovered and implemented.

Do I need to take supplements?

Answer: Not necessarily. Before the age of 30, our body’s stem cells are still young. As long as you have good living habits
People who do not exercise have a higher risk of illness than those who exercise. This is mainly due to the low circulation capacity of stem cells. In terms of diet, eating more vegetables and fruits with bright colors and antioxidant capabilities can help stem cells become more active. Drinking more green tea can also achieve the same effect, and spending 15 to 20 minutes in the sun every day (excluding noon time) can also help the circulation of stem cells.


There is still much that we do not understand about biochemical engineering, renewal and regeneration processes. Perhaps, only after cell biologists have uncovered all the mysteries of cells can we truly know what cell therapy is.

Nonetheless, one thing we do know is that fresh live placental cells can inject their vitality into degenerated old cells in the body, stimulating the renewal process of aging cells and restoring their operating efficiency, so that the body's organs can remain strong and active. In addition to its rejuvenating effect, worn out old cells will also take over the properties of young and healthy cells.
Many degenerative diseases such as arthritis, diabetes, Alzheimer's disease, osteoporosis, circulatory system disorders, menopause, phlegm and chronic fatigue can all benefit from the stimulation of fresh placenta live cells.


  1. Japanese stem cell researcher and a Nobel Prize laureate 山中 伸弥 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shinya_Yamanaka
  2. New opportunities for treating stroke – Cell therapy 2022-09-10 Dr. Liao Kexun, Dr. Huang Xiaomin
  3. The Secret of the Rich & Famous: Live Cell Therapy (Dr. Victor W S Chen, Malaysia), 2008
  4. Wikipedia - Cell therapy
  5. Stem cell therapy: a promising treatment, Cell therapy for intracerebral hemorrhage: five-year follow-up report. Exp Ther Med. 2016 Dec;12(6):3535-3540.
  6. Italian researchers have confirmed that amniotic fluid stem cell exosomes can protect nerve cells from apoptosis.
  7. In their research, American scholars found that placental interstitial cell exosomes can effectively restore blood flow to the injured side of the brain and thereby protect nerves. Am J Transl Res. 2018 Sep 15;10(9):2975-2989.
  8. Iranian researchers published in 2021 that amniotic mesenchymal stem cell supernatant can inhibit inflammation and protect nerve cells. It was confirmed that although the supernatant or exosomes do not contain cells, they contain complex components secreted by cells and have certain potential for nerve protection. World J Stem Cells. 2021 Aug 26;13(8):1151-1159.
  9. Kicht, 8, CHOH Young with HGH, Harper Collins 1997,
  10. Kenton, L, Age Power, Published by Random House 2002,
  11. Chen, V, hge Without Getting Old, Published by Ock Publications 2008,
  12. McArdle, W et al, Exercise Physiology, Publicned by lippincott Wiliam & Wikns
  13. 7. Chen.V. Staying Healthy, Staying Vital. Published by Oak Publications 2003.
  14. 8. Miller, J et al. The Facts of Life, Jonathan Cape Limited 1984.


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