材 料(Ingredients):
(兩人份)(For Two Servings)
* 米粉、炊粉的差別(The Differences Between Thin & Thick Rice Noodles):
The texture of thin rice noodles is totally different from the thick ones. They are made from different procedures. However, most stir-fried rice noodles you get to taste when you eat out in Taiwan are thin rice noodles. If you'd like to buy Taiwanese thick rice noodles and cook them by yourself at home, make sure what you are buying are the thick rice noodles made in Hsinchu City, Taiwan. You'd better make sure they are made of rice too.
步 驟(Steps):
(1) 取出一片米粉(約 200 公克)用清水漂洗或沖洗後備用。洗米粉的時間以不超過十秒為原則,以免米粉吸取過多水分。
Wash the thick rice noodles for no more than 10 seconds. Then get them out of water.
(2) 準備其它配料:香菇泡水變軟後瀝乾切絲,泡香菇水留著;紅蔥頭去皮切片;豬肉切絲;香菜與蔥切段;蝦米用溫水洗淨。
Shred the shiitake mushrooms after they are being soaked, and keep the water you soak the shiitake mushrooms in. Peel the shallots and shred them. Shred the pork tenderloin, coriander and green onions respectively. Wash the dried shrimps with warm water.
(3) 熱鍋入油開中小火,先煸炒紅蔥頭至產生香氣與金黃色澤,再加入香菇續煸炒至有香氣後,下肉絲炒熟,再下蝦米炒至有香氣。
Put oil or lard in a hot pan over medium-low heat. Stir-fry the shredded shallots. Add the shredded shiitake mushrooms and stir-fry them after the shredded shallots turn golden brown. Add the shredded pork and stir-fry them after the shredded mushrooms smell good. Add the shrimps and stir-fry them after everything else in the pan is well cooked.
(4) 下大約一半的醬油(約 15 ml)拌炒配料入味後,盛起備用。
Mix about 15 ml of soy sauce into the ingredients in the pan and stir-fry them. Get them off the pan.
(5) 炒鍋內放入清水(約 350 ml)、泡香菇水、醬油膏、剩下的醬油煮滾後,放入先前洗好的米粉,以中小火燜煮約五分鐘。燜煮過程中宜短暫掀蓋兩三次以筷子拌炒。
Pour about 350 ml of water into the pan. Add the water used to soak mushrooms into the pan. Add the thick soy sauce and another 15 ml of soy sauce. Mix them together and boil them. Add the pre-washed rice noodles. Put the lid on and cook them for about 5 minutes. Take the lid off and stir-fry them briefly 2 or 3 times in between.
(6) 掀蓋,放入先前炒好的配料繼續拌炒至全部食材入味後,加入白胡椒粉、香菜與蔥短暫拌炒後即可起鍋。
Lid off. Add the pre-stir-fried ingredients, mix them with the rice noodles and stir-fry them together. Add a bit of ground white pepper, the shredded coriander and green onions, and mix them with the rice noodles just before turning the heat off. Serve at once.