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🇭🇰 四季桔 Penicillin 雞尾酒 - Hand-made / Vessels 時令水果酒系列 / 香港 / 1 樽 250毫升

🇭🇰 四季桔 Penicillin 雞尾酒 - Hand-made / Vessels 時令水果酒系列 / 香港 / 1 樽 250毫升

成分:蘇格蘭威士忌、 金桔汁、 四季桔糖漿(本地有機四季桔皮、糖)、薑蜂蜜糖漿(蜂蜜、薑、水)

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Vessels 時令水果酒系列

🚚 最快送貨時間 : 製作需時7-10天。
🐝 供應商 / 產地:Vessels 時令水果酒系列 / 香港
🔖 認證: 持牌食物加工場

🌱 生產商介紹:

Local Fruit Winery - Vessels Hong Kong
致力於通過生產優質鄉村葡萄酒和其他飲料,通過本地農產品和當地種植者的努力來保留香港的正宗口味。 全部在香港本地採購和生產。

🌱 供應商產品:

🛍 產品資訊:

雞尾酒在 20 世紀 60 年代後期和整個 1970 年代變得不那麼流行,直到 1980 年代復興,伏特加經常在馬丁尼等飲料中代替原汁原味的琴酒。傳統雞尾酒在 2000 年代開始捲土重來,[30]雞尾酒文化自2000年代中期再次復興,通常稱為調酒學,它汲取了傳統雞尾酒的靈感,但使用更新穎的成分和複雜口味。









🔹 產品資訊 (補充):

靈感來源:Penicillin 創於21 世紀初紐約市,是一款較新穎的蘇格蘭雞尾酒。 由於味道大膽清爽,很快便成為經典調酒。 Penicillin 雞尾酒以醇滑細膩的調和威士忌搭配泥煤風味單一麥芽威士忌,演繹出稍帶爽勁刺激的韻味。 辛薑和酸甜的檸檬巧妙平衡了兩種威士忌的大膽風味,為調酒帶來強烈美妙、清新爽口的味道。


Source of inspiration: Penicillin was created in New York City at the beginning of the 21st century and is a relatively new Scottish cocktail. It quickly became a classic cocktail due to its bold and refreshing taste. The Penicillin cocktail combines smooth and delicate blended whiskey with peated single malt whiskey to create a slightly refreshing flavor. Pungent ginger and tart lemon balance the bold flavors of both whiskeys, giving the concoction a strong, delicious, refreshing flavor.

We mixed this wine with oriental tastes, and infused the fragrant and unique flavor of the four-season oranges that Chinese people like in remote farms in the New Territories into the wine to create a taste that combines Chinese and Western tastes!


👩🏻‍🍳 建議食用方法:


On the rocks



Drinking suggestions:

On the rocks
If it’s a hot summer day and you want a refreshing feeling, don’t think too much and add ice to your drink! However, there are some tips for adding ice. Never use crushed ice. Ideally, it is better to use larger ice cubes. It is certainly better to use ice balls, because it can avoid melting too quickly and causing our The wine becomes too watery too quickly and the enjoyment of it is lost!

Highball (ハイボール) is just adding ice and soda water
To make your own Highball easily, you only need to add a portion of wine directly into a tall wine glass filled with ice cubes, and then add a can of soda water. Of course, choose better quality soda water, and the flavor will be better. It will sit longer and taste smoother!

Basically, wine can be drunk warm. The aromatic and mellow wine is very suitable for heating. Boil the water first, and the height of the water should be at least half higher than the wine container. Let the freshly boiled water stand for a minute, because wine with a water temperature of 100 degrees will easily smell of alcohol. Place the wine container in hot water for about three minutes and cover the opening slightly to preserve the aroma. When the wine container feels a little hot to the touch, it’s time to drink!

What flavors does wine have when heated?
1. Aroma: When it is too cold (below 10 degrees), the aroma will be locked. When the temperature rises, the aroma will begin to spread out. The aroma will be most obvious when it is close to normal temperature (15~20 degrees). If it goes up again, it will be too active and spread out.
2. Acidity: The acidity is obvious at low temperatures. When the temperature rises, it will become more rounded and easier to eat.
3. Sweetness: Not obvious at low temperature, the sweetness gradually increases as the temperature rises
4. Overall taste: All aspects are sharper at low temperature, and become rounder and fuller after heating.

1.香氣:太冰時 (10度以下) 香氣會被鎖住,溫度上升時香氣會開始發散,在接近常溫 (15~20度) 香氣最明顯,再上去就會太活躍而發散出去。

🥘 產品線:


🔅 注意事項:

根據香港法例,令人醺醉的酒類涵蓋以量計含多於1.2% 乙醇並適合或擬作為飲品飲用的酒類。任何符合此定義的飲品 (例如: 米酒、些厘酒)均會視作令人醺醉的酒類並受法例規管;而以酒類烹調的食品(例如: 酒心朱古力、醉雞)則豁免於法例的規管範疇。


產品描述僅供參考,調酒所需的成份原材料會因應季節性而改變,客人需有心理準備,送貨日期或有機會變更, 敬請客人見諒!


🚚 供應期:


🥘 建議食用方法:


On the rocks



Drinking suggestions:

On the rocks
If it’s a hot summer day and you want a refreshing feeling, don’t think too much and add ice to your drink! However, there are some tips for adding ice. Never use crushed ice. Ideally, it is better to use larger ice cubes. It is certainly better to use ice balls, because it can avoid melting too quickly and causing our The wine becomes too watery too quickly and the enjoyment of it is lost!

Highball (ハイボール) is just adding ice and soda water
To make your own Highball easily, you only need to add a portion of wine directly into a tall wine glass filled with ice cubes, and then add a can of soda water. Of course, choose better quality soda water, and the flavor will be better. It will sit longer and taste smoother!

Basically, wine can be drunk warm. The aromatic and mellow wine is very suitable for heating. Boil the water first, and the height of the water should be at least half higher than the wine container. Let the freshly boiled water stand for a minute, because wine with a water temperature of 100 degrees will easily smell of alcohol. Place the wine container in hot water for about three minutes and cover the opening slightly to preserve the aroma. When the wine container feels a little hot to the touch, it’s time to drink!

What flavors does wine have when heated?
1. Aroma: When it is too cold (below 10 degrees), the aroma will be locked. When the temperature rises, the aroma will begin to spread out. The aroma will be most obvious when it is close to normal temperature (15~20 degrees). If it goes up again, it will be too active and spread out.
2. Acidity: The acidity is obvious at low temperatures. When the temperature rises, it will become more rounded and easier to eat.
3. Sweetness: Not obvious at low temperature, the sweetness gradually increases as the temperature rises
4. Overall taste: All aspects are sharper at low temperature, and become rounder and fuller after heating.

1.香氣:太冰時 (10度以下) 香氣會被鎖住,溫度上升時香氣會開始發散,在接近常溫 (15~20度) 香氣最明顯,再上去就會太活躍而發散出去。


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  • 🏠 九龍星期日派送 (荔枝角/美孚/九龍站)(兩天前截單;$500免運費;不適用於批發客戶)
  • ✳️ 星期日及公眾假期派送 (訂單滿$500+豁免附加費$80-$100)
  • 🈯️ 送貨上門 - 需要指定時段 (訂單金額$600 + 附加費$50-80)
  • ✳️ 自選日子送貨上門(假期除外)($500免運費;不適用於批發客戶)
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  • ❄️ 急凍食品 (-18度) 送貨服務(滿$380免運費,2-3日送)
  • 🚛 餐廳及批發價格送貨物流
  • 📦 Jumppoint 乾貨自提網點 (乾貨;訂單$400以上)
  • 📦 順豐澳門乾貨自提網點 (乾貨;訂單$400以上,送貨需要3-5日)
  • 📦 順便智能櫃取件 (乾貨;訂單需要$400或以上)
  • 📦 順豐服務中心取件 (乾貨;訂單需要$400或以上)
  • 📦 順豐站取件 (乾貨;訂單需要$400或以上)
  • 📦 OK便利店取件 (乾貨;訂單$400以上 + 經順豐速運)
  • 📦 7-11便利店取件 (乾貨;訂單需要$400以上 + 經順豐速運)
  • ✈️ 順豐速遞 - 國際、中國內地、澳門及台灣(只限乾貨 送貨需要3-7日)
  • 📦 辦公室/住宅地址直送 (經順豐速運;乾貨;最低消費$350)
  • 🎁 其他各區 Take-Point 門市自取 (訂單需要$400以上+手續費$20)
  • 🎁 美孚星期日有機農墟(試驗中) ($200免運費)
  • ✈️ 香港郵政 - 特快專遞(只限乾貨 送達全球)*預計派遞時間 3 - 7 工作日
  • ✈️ DHL - 國際速遞(送達全球)
  • 🚢 香港郵政 - 平郵包裹 (預計派遞時間 9 - 14 工作日)
  • ✈️ 香港郵政 - 包裹服務 (5公斤或以上;預計派遞時間 9 - 12 工作日)
  • 🌳 [只適用於活動報名] 選擇活動日期(下一頁)
  • 🎂 手工蛋糕送貨服務


  • 🇭🇰 Payme(最方便;適用於匯豐和非匯豐客戶;修改請返回購物車或上一頁)
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  • 💙 支付寶 (HK) - 使用AlipayHK 付款立即減高達$100
  • 💙 支付寶香港 (落單後入數)
  • Ⓜ️ 銀行轉帳/轉數快 / ATM (完成下單後再上載收據) (匯豐銀行 / Wing Hing Wai Organic Farm / 747152221838)
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