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The hometown rice dumplings made by local farmers are now available for pre-order. There are also rice dumpling making classes, welcome to join!

Our store's delivery is now extended to Cheung Chau, Mui Wo and Tai O, Lantau Island. Please support us!

We have the minimum $380 concessionary delivery, applicable to local vegetables, Yunnan vegetables, some fruits, fresh meat and frozen foods, for details, click here

Eva Sun Fung Organic Farm (Regenerative Farming Method)

What is the farming method?

Regenerative agriculture / Regenerative agriculture is a specific sub-item under the organic farming law. Its operation is similar to that of general organic agriculture. Chemical fertilizers and pesticides are not allowed, but special attention is paid to the health of the soil or the recovery of unhealthy soil. Cultivation, and soil carbon sequestration.

Regenerative agriculture emphasizes maintaining high levels of soil organic matter, minimizing ploughing, increasing biodiversity, crop rotation, cover crops, green manure, compost, soil covering, etc. The current organic farming method, especially focusing on commercial producers, may not have completed the operations of the aforementioned points.

The purpose of regenerative agriculture is to sequester carbon in the soil and above-ground biomass to reverse the global accumulation of atmospheric carbon, while at the same time increasing production, enhancing resilience to unstable climates, and improving the health and vitality of rural communities.

Regenerative Farming Law includes four principles:

1. Continuously improve the entire agricultural ecosystem, including soil, water and biodiversity;

2. Set specific operations and overall decisions for specific environments to show the elements of individual farms;

3. Ensure and develop a fair and interactive relationship among all stakeholders;

4. Individuals, farms and communities must continue to grow and evolve in order to realize their inherent potential.

From these four principles, especially the first principle, a variety of operation methods are derived. Can continuously improve the entire agricultural ecosystem, such as organic annual cultivation, perennial crops, no-tillage farming, aquaculture, holistic management grazing, integrated animal production, pasture cultivation, forestry and animal husbandry production, agriculture and forestry production, bio-carbon, composting Liquid, compost, etc., will also need to integrate various operations in accordance with other principles in the future.

Regenerative agriculture hopes to continue to improve, hoping to change the trend of climate change, so that the earth can be regenerated.